House Democrat Bill Would Scrub ‘Husband’ and ‘Wife’ from Federal Law

by Eric Lendrum


A new bill introduced in the House of Representatives by Democrats would eliminate the use of the words “husband” and “wife” in federal laws, instead replacing them with genderless terms like “spouse.”

As reported by Fox News, the “Amend the Code for Marriage Equality Act” was introduced by Congresswoman Julia Brownley (D-Calif.), and would change many existing laws by removing “husband” and “wife” from pre-existing text. Instead, the new law would replace these words with phrases such as “a married couple,” “married person,” and “person who has been, but is no longer, married to’.”

“Although the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in Obergefell v. Hodges that same-sex couples have the right to marry, there are many instances where the U.S. Code does not respect that constitutional right,” Brownley said Friday in a statement.

“Now more than ever, with an extreme Supreme Court and state legislatures rolling back the rights of the LGBTQ community, it is imperative that Congress showcases its commitment to supporting equality,” Brownley continued. “This common-sense bill will ensure that our federal code reflects the equality of all marriages by recognizing and acting upon the notion that the words in our laws have meaning and our values as a country are reflected in our laws.”

Brownley was referencing a number of recent decisions from the Supreme Court that reaffirmed the First Amendment right to freedom of religion when it comes to Americans being forced to accept transgenderism or homosexual relationships. The most recent such case, 303 Creative LLC v. Elenis, saw the court rule 6-3 that a Christian web designer could not be forced to design a website promoting same-sex marriages.

Among the federal laws that would be targeted for revision and censorship by Brownley’s bill are “Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971,” the “Ethics in Government Act of 1978,” and the “Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993.”

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Eric Lendrum reports for American Greatness. 




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3 Thoughts to “House Democrat Bill Would Scrub ‘Husband’ and ‘Wife’ from Federal Law”

  1. Steve Allen

    So we’re going to redefine terms that are offensive to .001% of the population? You nauseate me. What a load of leftist crap.

  2. maggiemoo

    there is so many more important issues to deal with and what does the dumb dems concentrate on. Is BS stuff, how about concentrating on China, and the spy balloon, the illegal CCP police departments within our borders. How about the big elephant in the room, THE SOUTHERN BORDER, secure it NOW.

  3. Dr Ken

    It is not surprising such a ridiculous and unneeded bill originates from the democrats and more specifically from a Californian. With all the problems associated with illegal aliens, drug smuggling, the explosion in criminal activity, hyper inflation, geopolitical instability and the crumbling infrastructure that this beldam would focus on the use of pronouns in legislation. This is incredible, only from the democrats spearheaded by a Californian. I ask, who is the fool? This woman or the voters who elected her?
